You Can Get Anything You Want at the AP’s Restaurant

There is a lot of talk about boycotting the AP. I say, don’t boycott. Make like Nike and "just do it."

This just in: "Hamas’ Gaza rulers say they have reached a long-awaited cease-fire with Israel."

Uh-oh. Now I’ve gone and done it. I’ve used more than five words and linked to an AP article.

Feel free to join me. It’s very easy. Just create a post, title it just as I did – find a good news story and link to it. Somehow I doubt they are going to come after us all.

Repeat after me.
"You can get anything you want from the AP’s Restaurant."

3 thoughts on “You Can Get Anything You Want at the AP’s Restaurant”

  1. “You can get anything you want from the AP’s Restaurant.”
    “You can get anything you want from the AP’s Restaurant.”
    “You can get anything you want from the AP’s Restaurant.”
    “You can get anything you want from the AP’s Restaurant.”

    Yeh, it works. All you can eat buffet.

  2. Wow. I haven’t thought about Alice’s Restaurant in a long long time… and I’m not even that old.

    Man its strange what the Internet can do.

  3. The main difference between Mass Media and Social Media is that Media Media reports a story while Social Media makes a story. As Social Media reports we have to work with our subject and wait till our subject is ready to disclose the information. When Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward reported the Watergate scandal in Washington Post they made the story not just reported it. As Social Media advocates we should learn from them.

    Please help! A good Australian friend of my who been bicycling the world with his Japanese wife for 20 years needs our help. His wife has cancer and they do not have money for an operation. The Japanese Mass media has exploited them by making a documentary of her first surgery and not paying them anything. Many bicycle product brands sponsored them without paying money. Please help how you can! Digg, Stumble the story. Write a blog post. Lets get the Social Media and Bloggers attention to this.Here is the original story that I am writing
    Here is he Digg submission
    Thank you for your help!

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