Continuing from my last post, I found a lot of new versions to “All Your Base Are Belong To Us,” a viral video from back in the day. (mom and dad, I’ll explain the humor behind this over the phone).
I highly recommend checking out some of the remakes (especially the ‘All your Snakes’ cut).
One in particular, however caught my eye.
‘All Your Fakes Are Belong To Us‘ is a commentary on recent main stream media failings to be accurate (photos).
It’s the same song, but if you open your mind it does sound like they could be saying fakes. Instead of the different shots with the word Base,’ the video contains photos that different bloggers have called out as being fake.
It’s a funny video and a good way of getting a point across. It comes to us from the bloggers at Pajamas Media and Little Green Footballs. I spoke with the founder of Pajamas Media (Roger L. Simmon) a little back for a story at Wired. Although I didn’t pick up on any bias (not that we really touched on his politics), he and his crew have been accused if being a little too far right leaning, and that could be part of the inspiration for this short (the media is against Israel because we are all jews and yada yada). My personal theory: You can never have too many jews in the media.
Politics aside, it’s a great remake of an old classic.