Newspaper shares slid $23B in 6 months Title says it all. "The value of 11 newspaper companies traded on the public market since 2005 dove
Category: Uncategorized
links for 2008-06-27
Mixx Gets Serious About Community Building If I were a newspaper publisher - this is something I'd seriously look into. It's everything I always wanted
links for 2008-06-24
Papers Facing Worst Year for Ad Revenue Over all, ad revenue fell almost 8 percent last year. This year, it is running about 12 percent
links for 2008-06-23
information overload in 1613 â??one of the diseases of this age is the multiplicity of books; they doth so overcharge the world that it is
links for 2008-06-22
Who controls journalismâ??s future? When people ask me to define a journalist, I always start with the first paragraph from the book of Luke (tags: