"Sometimes in the early adoption of new technologies they are pressed
into service in similar ways to previous technologies, for instance
when television first came many of the early shows resembled radio
plays, but were on television."
Podcasts are ‘like’ radio. But ‘like’ here is the operative word. Podcasts are portable and on demand (played when you want them). As a result, someone has come up with a list of uncommon ways to use podcasts.
More interesting is the list for uncommon uses of wikis.
Before I left Seed Magazine I was witness to the use of wikis to have large discussions. If a new column needed a name, it was discussed on a wiki. Seed even also has an editorial wiki board where editors and writers put up story ideas that can be honed and broadened by others who might know more about a subject.
Wiki’s blow my mind with potential.
hey Dave,
thanks so much for the link to my articles. I just wanted to mention that your first link to “uncommon ways to use podcasts” is broken 🙂 here’s the link: