Transformers: Cliche Racial Alert

Jazz2Yesterday I saw Transformers. It was a fantastic movie. It had a sense of humor — and there were a few
moments where I laughed out loud.

It had great action and it made me feel like I was eight-years-old again. Optimus Prime’s dialog was pretty cheesy, but in my mind it was just staying true to the cartoon. So despite what I’m going to write below, I give the movie a thumbs-up. (Also see the image at the end of this post — how cool is that!)

It wasn’t until after the movie got out that I realized Transformers fell victim to a totally unnecessary movie stereotype.

As the movie progresses we are introduced to Optimus Prime and his crew of autobots. There is Bumble Bee, the lovable character who was closest with the kids (staying true to the cartoon) and three others — including a medic and a weapon specialists. The third and final autobot was named “Jazz.”

The first time you see Jazz he is doing what can only be called break-dancing. As Optimus introduces his autobot colleagues they each get a line or two. The autobots learned English through the Internet — and I’m not sure what sites Jazz was crawling on — because he spoke slang. I can’t remember exactly what he said — but it was probably something like “Yo, how’s it hanging in the hood.”

It was unmistakable — Jazz is the token black Transformer.

(Warning: small plot spoiler)

Once Megatron is awakened the autobots meet him in battle. The last 20 minutes of the movie are fantastic. Chases, explosions, etc etc.

At one point Jazz is forced to engage Megatron all alone. He is killed.

That’s right, the only autobot to die is Jazz, the black autobot.  Cliche — yes.

Why the writers felt they needed to create a black autobot is beyond me. Perhaps they just wanted to infuse them with character. But aside from Optimus Prime and Bumble Bee, the remaining three autobots were just passing characters. They probably have a total of 10 lines.

Which brings up another question: There are three autobots to choose from to try to take Megatron one-on-one. Somehow they picked Jazz to take the fall.

Now I realize there is no definite way to prove that Jazz was black. He is, after all, an autobot. But after speaking with other people and reading some blog posts of people who all saw the movie independently — I don’t think it’s just me reading into this too much.

To the side: Another blog post questioning why all the autobots were male. In the cartoon there was one female bot (just like the Smurfs).

Afterthought: While surfing the South Pacific on Google Earth my roomate found this hotel. It’s more than meets the eye.


10 thoughts on “Transformers: Cliche Racial Alert”

  1. Jazz is the token black transformer. Always has been – that’s why he’s called Jazz. Just listen to his voice in the cartoon series. Now, with that being said, the movie took the character, figured out he was black, and then decided to take the stereotype to a whole other level. But then, in a movie that insults your intelligence by telling you where Qatar is every time they cut there, as if you forgot since the last time they flashed it up on screen, and where there were cheap laughs at creole Louisianans, Indian call center workers, and a truly debasing role for Bernie Mac, what else could you expect? Michael Bay apparently thinks the best way to make an audience relate to a movie is to keep them in their pre-conceived, cliché beliefs about a particular stereotype, whether it racial (as mentioned above) or social (dumb jocks, fat weak-willed hackers).

  2. I did see the movie and did notice the things that you mentioned about the movie. However, I think that you, like myself and probably many others, fell into the mindset of assuming that any of the robots in transformers had a particular race at all. To assume that none of the other robots were black or to assume that Jazz himself was black is the first trap that society builds in our minds. The fact of the matter is that there are many white kids who speak with such lingo and jargon. Besides who can say that Jazz was not a caucasian robot who just happened to identify with the styles that are most associated with a black culture. Furthermore, who can say that the medical unit or that even Optimus Prime could not have been black…like General Colin Powell. I think the only people who found that there was a racial cliche in the movie were the people who already had that racial cliche ingrained into their minds. What you should be disturbed about is the fact that none of the robots were female or of any other nationality.

  3. Let me put in a brief disclaimer (since I knew somebody would inevitably leave a comment like the one above) – I am not new to race relation issues. I went to public school in Los Angeles where being white made me minority. It was a great experience for me.

    I also had a teacher in highschool who was accused of racism. Why? Becuase he refused to be politically correct — he would bring up the fact minorities performed worse than their white counterparts: It wasn’t to incite anger — but rather to create an atmosphere of questioning. Perhaps it would have been easier for him to ignore it — but would it have been better for his black students?

    I don’t believe in being uber P.C. So when you say “I think the only people who found that there was a racial cliche in the movie were the people who already had that racial cliche ingrained into their minds.” — my response: TONS of people have that cliche engrained in their mind. The directors/writers knew exactly what they were doing. To assume that this is just a few people reading into it too much is to ignore the state of our country.

    Maybe it’s a moot point — because this is after all a movie of ficition, but I think it’s important to highlight when I see racial steryotpyes being used and abused. Until we recognize the steryotypes and when they are being used, we can’t get around them.

  4. I thank you for pointing out an obvious flaw in the movie making industry…Surely, there are tons of people who realize that there was what could be considered a streotype being used in the movie…It’s as obvious as the stereotypical gay characters that are often placed in movies…Hear ye, hear ye, movies use sterotypes…get over it….Maybe it’s a moot point — because this is after all a movie of ficition….Duh, the guy before you was simply making that point. It is a work of fiction and if it were reality, I think it would be cool if it were, for people to assume race from aliens is ridiculus…I like the Rush Hour trailer where Chris Tucker is talking to an asian guy who speaks French…”You’re Asian, stop embarrassing yourself.” We automatically assume someone who is asian speaks an asian language. Aliens from another planet who learn our language are going to pick up what we speak…plain and simple…I have friends of many cultures who more down than I am…Recognizing that there are stereotypes in the movies is nothing new and they will continue to use them until people as a whole all act the same and that is never going to happen…but thanks for pointing that out…anything else you want to alert us to…The Government sometimes lies to us, or maybe that greener environment is better for our health….you never know when we might forget the obvious…keep up the good work…later

  5. Anyone who thinks that transformers was racial looks to much into the movie. This is a movie about the first generation robots G1 series. The reason that there is no other nationalities is that Hasbro is a US company. Who watches and goes to the movies the most/Americans have a love of movies and there cars. I thought all of the cars/trucks were cool. Sure they could have used other cars but this is an American made movie, so get over it. If it was a german movie they would all be voltwagens and audi’s etc. I’m tired of all the diversified people and people of lets do things equally. Well you know what in case you have not got it yet life is not equal. Everyone thinks that things should be a level playing field but it never is and never will be, not in nature or our socities or living and dying, now reflect on that and tell me that life is equal. Someone dies someone lives a little longer than someone who just died and someone is being born when someone dies, so does it really matter in the grand aspect of life wether transformers does not have enough diversificaton in it or someone thinks that it’s racial, Give me a break just be thankful for everyday and make the most of it. Can’t wait for Transformers 2

  6. I too noticed that Jazz was the “Black” Autobot, and the only one to be offed. I found it funny, in that as cliche as his character was, the act of including him was even more of a Micheal Bay cliche.

    BTW – It was suggested that we should be disturbed by the lack of female robots in this movie. Why? This is a movie about war. If it were a movie about cooking, cleaning, or making robot babies, then you might expect to see females. Otherwise, I don’t see the problem.

  7. Jazz is my favorite autobot! Maybe he was the one who sadly died because he was the smallest? Don’t know. But it sucks!!! Hey did you noticed there was no clear shots of Jazz in the 2007 movie? Weird.

  8. You Know what I mean? The times the camera was on him he was moving or getting shot at!!! Even when meagtron blasted at him he came flying to the camera and his head was out of the shot! Only his arm was in the shot!!

  9. hes not black…hes just a cool laid back hip hop guy…yall just need something to say tat ppl are racist
    and so what if he got killed…hes coming back in the sequel…how can a character that was created in Japan be black…like seriously …these is a Japanese cartoon and even if he was black he is afro-brazilian since he uses Copeira as a style of fighting [that thing u called break dance]

  10. Too many matching cliches if you don’t want it considered racist stay away. Afro American, Brazilian, Asian , doesn’t matter. His name is Jazz, Break dancing or Fighting style, look at the racist acronym for Pontiac, wether you want to say he is an alien he still assumed the black culture persona and that black culture fell into every racist Hollywood cliche possible. To argue one would assume .

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