First and foremost – a shoutout to my college friend Tim who has been bitten by the blogging bug and is now a blogger himself.
As you can see from his first post – he is a talented video maker. Steve Garfield watch out!
My only gripe: Two of him, sitting at a couch, each with a different personality. Where have I seen that before?
Next: My friend Broke-Ass Stuart is in town for the re-release of his "Guide to Living Cheap in San Francisco." Broke-Ass is bum-glove chic and more importantly – a great guy. So I wrote a quick post about it over at
Which brings me to the next topic of conversation: itself. I’ve been talking with the founder and we are discussing bringing me onboard. Not a paid-gig yet. But a gig where I would have complete control over a citizen journalism network (mwwwuuuuhahahahaha) and could continue to work on NewAssignment.Net projects while keeping this in the background. I will, of course, keep you updated.
Finally: This Thursday I’m off to Calgary Canada for the Law Society of Alberta’s Media and Law Seminar.
The topic: â??Bans, Blogs and Boundariesâ?
I will be part of the third panel: Panel 3: Who Let the Blogs Out?: Citizen Journalism and the Rise of Internet Reporting. Panellists include: David Cohn, Editor,; Bob Bragg, Centre for Communications Studies, Mount Royal College; Gerry Nicholls, Senior Fellow Democracy Institute.
Looking forward to it.
Wednesday should be an exciting day as well – with the next NewAssignment.Net project launching (I’m working on it right now). And OffTheBus.Net is chugging along like a champion – with a breaking story of its own on Wednesday.
never saw this – but HOLLLLLAAAA!