The list is below – click into the article to find the explanation of how newspaper can work to do any of these nifty-handy things.
Hey: I love journalism, but I myself stopped reading print paper about a year ago.
Journalism is a Process, Not a Product
Hey: I love journalism, but I myself stopped reading print paper about a year ago.
1) Read the news on the subway.
2) Share something with grandma.
3) Laminate that great article about you.
4) Get a letter to the editor published that an editor picked.
5) Share it forward at the cafe
1) Read the news on the subway.
2) Share something with grandma.
3) Laminate that great article about you.
4) Get a letter to the editor published that an editor picked.
5) Share it forward at the cafe
Uh, sorta funny.
Although seriously, how about we stop printing them (or at least cut down). I work/hang in NYC and I’m getting really tired of seeing the print media (Daily News and New York Post = biggest culprits) hand out their papers for free to everyone. Give it up and get with the times. I get annoyed when I see a giant mountain of newspapers being handed out.
1. Both those papers suck big time. The Post for those retarded and offensive headlines their editors seem to let through (do you remember the one from Rosa Park’s funeral?). And, the News for their inaccurate coverage of the CUNY remediation controversy.
2. They end up in the garbage, on the subway train floor, on the sidewalk, etc.