San Francisco anti-war protesters marking the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq are using the micro-blogging service Twitter to coordinate their movements throughout the day.
Check the picture on the right of this post: It’s “the dream team.” Blog networks are only as good as their writers. In the end – they are big media. Whoever can dish out the most money to buy the writer wins. Don’t give me this big media versus small med
Of course, in most cases the answer will be “both.” The real debate will be over the details.
Across America, nonprofit Web sites are trying to keep public interest journalism alive at the local level. But to provide what print newspapers increasingly do not, these digitized nonprofits must overcome the challenge facing every startup: Eventually,
Chris Brogan, one of the web’s leading thinkers on social media, writes “We Still Need Better Filters.”
Our challenge isn’t to save newspapers, it is to save newspaper journalism and the values that are at its foundation.
More emphasis on SEO than I prefer, but I like the format: What it is, what it’s good for, what it’s bad for.