links for 2008-05-28

3 thoughts on “links for 2008-05-28”

  1. Did you read the NYT article? It was ridiculous. OMG, she saved by refraining from manicures. The NYT is so out of touch, it’s crazy.

  2. After reading that first article, I’m concerned about how spoiled our generation is. Well, to be honest, I was concerned about that even before reading the article.

    And, what is it with my fellow NYers? Don’t you know how to hop a subway to the outer boroughs? Or a train to LI? Things are waaay cheaper out there.

    And this incessant desire to have an apartment *in* Manhattan. I’ve had this discussion without so many graduating or about to graduate college students.

    -I *must* have an apartment in the borough!


    -Because, it’s cool (or) You don’t understand the feeling of living in Manhattan.

    -But, it’s cheaper in the outer boroughs. You’ll be able to save money and not have to starve.

    -But, I *must* live in Manhattan, dammit!

    Good to see everyone’s got their priorities straight. OK, I may have embellished a little above, but that’s the jist of the conversations I have with students. Particularly, with students who came in form other areas of the US. I think it’s this overly romanticized view of NYC they have.

    PS My bad for the uber long comment on your blog ๐Ÿ™

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