Video’s on Journalism: Thoughts on the future and ChiTownDaily News Closure

Digidave Does the News #1: Chi Town Daily News Closes

Digidave’s first attempt at just talking about the news in front of a camerae instead of spending all that time writing a blog post. This rant is on the ChiTownDaily News shutting down. Details can be found: “Confessions of an Ex-ChiTownDaily Staffer,” how the story broke, statement from ChiTownDaily and the Tribune’s coverage.

This is also my first attempt at doing a video blog post instead of a text blog post. Let me know what you think.

For the Pontificators

The next few videos come from some kind of conference/panel on journalism. Each of the subjects in the video are asked to describe where journalism is going and what it will be like in five years.

The Insiders: Mark Luckie on the Future of Journalism

Mark Luckie is awesome….. 10,000 words.

The Insiders: Nick Penniman on the Future of Journalism

Nick who runs the Huffington Posts investigative fund discusses the future of journalism.
Tags: video

Ana Marie Cox on the Future of Journalism

As part of a Nation Magazine series on the shape of journalism in the years to come, Air America’s Ana Marie Cox sounds off on what she thinks journalism and the media will look like in 5-10 years. Also interesting to hear her idea about how politico works and that reporters might work directly for politicians. I am a fan of Ana Marie Cox for the crowfunding she did while on the campaign trail after Radar Magazine shut down. Very Spot.Us!

The Insiders: David Schimke on the Future of Journalism

David Schimke of the Utne Reader gives his view on where the media is headed.

Indiana Congressman Refuses To Allow Journalism Student To Video Town Hall

A Congressman is boo’d for not letting a student journalist video tape his town hall meetings.
Tags: video

Peter B. Collins on Advocacy Journalism

Long-time radio talk show host Peter B. Collins discusses his embrace of advocacy journalism, his podcast series, and collaborating with FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds.
Tags: Media & Journalism, journalism, advocacy, video

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