Video Roundup Cause I Can’t Sleep

What do you do when you can’t sleep?

Clay Shirky on Internet Issues Facing Newspapers

Clay Shirky describes the changing news landscape that has put accountability journalism at risk, and outlines a “journalistic ecosystem” that is needed to preserve essential watchdog role.

Tina Brown On The Future Of Journalism

Tina Brown, founder of The Daily Beast, tells Katie Couric she expects a new golden age of journalism as the era of online media matures. Watch more at @KatieCouric on

Governor in ads promoting newspapers

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels is featured in a new marketing campaign for the state’s newspapers. It’s a reaction to the rise of the Internet and count the governor among those who worry about the…

How the Tape Recorder Killed Journalism

Gay Talese describes the deleterious effects that recording devices, hollowed expense accounts, and an emphasis on ‘indoor life’ have had on the writing process.

Internet Journalism

A classic narrated talk on how the web has changed journalism – complete with Matrix song in the background.

Comic relief.

The Social Media Guru

A funny video on social media experts.

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