Sometimes my favorite tweets are the random questions that elicit unexpected but excellent responses. Who knew?
I wrote: “Organizing all the business cards I’ve gotten over the last….. yeesh,
who knows how many years. How do you organize your business cards?”
John Joseph: “i’ve got a manilla folder for each conference/event, and put the business cards for each event into this envelope (after putting some of the people into address book).
Dorian Benkoil: “I stick business cards I get in small envelopes from the conference or whatever at which i got them. Random ones in a binder.”
Sarah Curtis: “recycling.”
Shelbinator: “you raise a good Q. Easy way to digitize biz card graphics & put in e-addy book? I just enter the info on computer & chuck ’em.”
Geneva Overholser: “the whole NOTION of organizing the scads of biz cards i have stashed away here and here drives me crazy. are you sure we must?”
Suzanne Yada: “rolodex! But it depends on how many you have and if you want to carry it with you. btw, sounds like an exciting Tuesday night. :)”
Gerard Barberi: “I don’t. I drop them all in those “win a(n) x” fishbowls. I put the numbers in Outlook and on my phone.”
Meg Thilmony: “I’m a big fan of my old-school rolodex. I can just slide those babies in.”
Kevin Koehler: “I have a book of biz card holders from an office store.”
I put all my cards in a shelf on my desk until I have the time to type all of the details into my computer, which syncs with my Palm Pilot. I can also include notes, like where I met the person, when I wrote a story that included information they provided to me and other details.
I like searchable contacts, instead of trying to hunt down the right contact among hundreds of cards.
Organize by Category instead of Name. For example”: Bloggers, Developers, Friends, Media, VCs etc….