If you were alive this weekend then you probably got wind of Sarah Palin’s emails. If you felt “engaged” then maybe you poured over them…
Author: Digidave
I am an open book: www.digidave.org
Tools to Hack your Workflow
This month’s Carnival of Journalism comes from my Missouri housemate Will Sullivan. He asks us to “hack his worfkflow” and share tips/tools/trends that help us…
My Year with Glenn Beck
Okay, let’s start with the obvious. I’m a liberal, intellectual, communist, media-elite, Jew-bastard from San Francisco. That disclosure behind us, something a lot of people…
Digi-fail this month’s #jcarn
The topic for this month’s “Carnival of Journalism” is failure. The rules: It has to be a project you failed in and it has to…
Carnival of Fail – the next #Jcarn
It’s time to put up a topic for the next Carnival of Journalism. And the topic is #fail. The best explanation can be found in…