My Year with Glenn Beck

Okay, let’s start with the obvious. I’m a liberal, intellectual, communist, media-elite, Jew-bastard from San Francisco.

That disclosure behind us, something a lot of people don’t know about me – I’ve been watching Glenn Beck every day for the last nine months (maybe longer).

I’ve always been open to varying opinions. In fact, I seek them out. This is not me on a journalism high-horse. It’s genuinely who I am. I don’t necessarily like arguing (I’m not a comment troller that goes around picking political fights) but I like to try and understand people and their motivations.

I think there are two inspirations for this. As a kid I distinctly remember my father would occasionally turn to the the Christian channel and watch televangelists. Part of it was him mocking their style (proselytizing is not part of the Jewish culture and I think many are turned off by it) and part of it, I think, was just to expose himself and me to the fact that other people approach the world with radically different views. For them – this wasn’t just good television, it was a way to navigate how one should live their life.

The second inspiration has been the idea of a “bizarro Dave.” I picture somebody my age, similar height, similar loving childhood, intelligent, etc, etc, etc. We are alike in so many ways except I grew up in Los Angeles and he grew up somewhere else. As a result, not only do we have a different view of the world and our country, but we can’t even start to converse about the differences. There is no similar ground upon which to start. I want to meet bizarro Dave. I want to understand him and perhaps selfishly, I want him to understand me. Could bizarro Dave and I ever start to at least agree to disagree?

So that’s the inspiration behind watching Glenn Beck for the last year. When I confess this to some of my other media-elite, SF, communist bastard friends, they wonder what I’ve gleaned from it all. It’s one thing to watch some of his out-takes or Media Matter clips and judge, but it’s another to immerse yourself in the world of Beck. Some observations and thoughts below.

1. He isn’t dumb and he’s very charismatic.

Glenn Beck is not dumb. In fact, he’s articulate, he thinks on his feet and is very charismatic. To dismiss him as an idiot or to assume people caught under his spell are idiots is a disservice.

2. He can be very convincing.

I’d by lying if I didn’t say that a few times while watching Glenn Beck over the months my heart started to race and I thought it was time to invest in gold and build a panic room for the oncoming American dollar apocalypse. Luckily, I also watch The Daily Show every day and it would help remind me part of what I’m watching is a show. An entertaining show the same way post-apocalyptic movies can be entertaining. It doesn’t mean I’m about to study Mad Max for advice on how to plan my future.

When people say that he can work up a frenzy and scare people – it’s true. If you let your critical thinking guard down, you’ll be shaking your fist at everyone who “just doesn’t see” what’s happening. In terms of a media diet, if all you watch is Glenn Beck, then you’ll be convinced America is a stone’s throw away from a third world country.

3. He believes it all.

People have asked me if I think Glenn Beck is lying or if he really believes what he’s saying.

Of course nobody can know another persons’ mind, but I think he genuinely believes everything he says. If it turns out the whole thing is an act, then he deserves an Oscar, Emmy and a Grammy just for good measure.

4. It all make sense if…..

It’s a big if, but here’s what it comes down to: Religion. The “conspiracy theories” all make sense if (and for me it’s not an ‘if’ I accept) you are an evangelical Christian.

If you believe, in your heart of hearts (as I think Glenn does) that Jesus is the only path to a noble and saved life, there is a Satan and that earth is a battlefield for the two – then everything that is playing out on Glenn’s show makes perfect sense. More than anything I believe Beck is a televangelist turned political pundit.

In Beck’s worldview there is little room for shades of gray. We live in a world where there is pure good and pure evil. The teachers unions, Marxists/Anarchists, Soros, etc., are manifestations of evil. At best, most liberals (and union members) are sheep being duped.

This “tricked” factor plays very well into Christian folklore. Your average liberal is being tricked just as Eve was by the snake to eat that god-damned apple. Glenn sees himself as somebody trying to warn against the apple.

I think it is this classic Christian narrative that appeals to so many people. Much like Bush, Glenn speaks the language of evangelical Christians. Sometimes he does so overtly and other times it’s much more coded. Many (I’d argue most) of the ideological arguments Beck makes boil down to a religious foundation of good vs. evil. If you share the same foundation, then it’s not hard to follow his train of thought on most issues.

5. Glenn Beck as manifestation – not cause

With this understanding of Beck, I’ve begun to regard him as more of a symptom or manifestation of a certain worldview – not its cause. He doesn’t cause hysteria, but he explains why a segment of our population feels panicked. Whether it’s the war on Christmas or the war on prayer in schools, Beck is able to hone in on these fears and represent them. Then he extrapolates out further showing the same ideological underpinning that makes one side attack prayer in school (liberal satanists) and the other side want to defend prayers in school (conservative’s saved by Jesus) and connects them to other issues. In the Middle East the communists, anarchists and radical Islam elements (re: heathens) have joined forces to topple the governments and now threaten Israel (the land of God).

The point is: Beck is very good at tapping into natural fears and exploiting them. I don’t think he is the genesis. (get it Gensis!)

Will I keep watching Beck?

Probably not. I became fascinated with him as a commentator and I wanted to give him more credit than just writing him off as a loony. That’s for MSNBC to do 😉

Instead – I wanted to take the time to really uncover just what it is that he represents. What cultural barrier was it that he was taping into. I feel I’ve come to my own understanding. And just in time for him to leave Fox.

17 thoughts on “My Year with Glenn Beck”

  1. I think you have either one of two choices. Either you think Glenn Beck is not dumb (your point #1) or you think he believes it all (your point #3). Some of the things he says are ludicrous. A smart person wouldn’t believe them.
    I can’t read Glenn’s mind. But I think he is very smart and he knows how to play to his viewers and listeners, who he considers rubes and marks. I don’t think he believes much of what he says, except he’s happy to believe anything that helps him rationalize his worldview as long as he doesn’t think too hard about it.

  2. @Sean
    I don’t know about that. Here’s a question for you. Can somebody be smart and be very religious?

    If so – then I don’t see why Glenn Beck can’t be a smarty Christian who believes what he is saying.

    Just my take on it.

    I’m not very religious – but I do think somebody can be very smart and have religious beliefs which result in strange conclusions to non-religious people (they seem ‘dumb’ but it’s just a different worldview).

  3. There are plenty of people who can rationalize their religious beliefs, but it is that leap of faith which we all take to conclude in a higher power.

  4. Dave – I really think you are trying to understand him and you wrote a pretty fair article. I don’t know how much you can say someone is playing into fears if they really believe what they saying, but I do understand the skepticism. I hope you will follow him and as he moves on to his next phase you can learn to understand him even more.

  5. I’m not very religious – but I do think somebody can be very smart and have religious beliefs which result in strange conclusions to non-religious people (they seem ‘dumb’ but it’s just a different worldview).

    Yup. This is the most sensible Beck piece I’ve seen in some time. Dumb people don’t achieve the level of success Beck has achieved. And as you mentioned (as Beck himself also has) if he’s faking it, he’s the best actor in the country.

  6. Normally I hate long 5 paged articles..In this case I was
    looking forward to a few more pages.
    I am very disappointed at the 30 second glimpse
    of a years study in to a very complicated, multifaceted
    human being & same of his subject matter (s).
    Precisely because you are so different, I am/was curious
    to read how you would dismiss the very real topics like Caliphate,which today appear he was 100% correct on or George Soros buying 75% of American Media & Political Secretaries of State to corrupt Elections, even the Muslim Brotherhood working to consolidate the ME with some very strange bedfellows.
    Instead, you give a glimpse into the fact that he should not be dismissed as stupid, same for his audience.
    In my mind the/your year long study was only to figure a strategy to further attempt to destroy the man the message & his fan base/American (R)(I) voters.
    ?Soros Funded?
    I would have had more respect if u admitted the reason for research, rather than the whole shpeal on “personal journey”

  7. @OhShush:
    “In my mind the/your year long study was only to figure a strategy to further attempt to destroy the man the message & his fan base/American (R)(I) voters.”

    As you may have noticed in my post I write: “Of course nobody can know another persons’ mind”

    Why do you think you know me and what my “real” motivations were. You are essentially calling me a liar “I would have had more respect if u admitted the reason for research, rather than the whole shpeal on “personal journey” baloney.

    Seems kinda hard to begin to have a conversation with somebody if your main point is that you don’t believe anything I say.

    You are correct – I could have gone on longer about Beck. But this blog is just that – a blog, it’s my public journal. I only have so much time to dedicate to it.

    Meanwhile: I think you exhibit some of the black/white right/wrong mentality that I describe about Beck.

    “I am/was curious to read how you would dismiss the very real topics like Caliphate,which today appear he was 100% correct on or George Soros buying 75% of American Media & Political Secretaries of State to corrupt Elections, even the Muslim Brotherhood working to consolidate the ME with some very strange bedfellows.”

    1. You assume the purpose of this post was to dismiss Beck.
    2. The Caliphate that Beck describes is not 100% correct. Very few matters of political concern are 100% correct and that is my point. Beck talks in absolutes with no shades of gray. I don’t think Beck is 100% wrong or 100% right.
    3. No – I am not paid by Soros – but to accuse an independent blogger of being such and citing this idea that Soros owns 75% of the media doesn’t help the merit of your comment.

    I got nothing against you. I don’t even know you. But you make some serious assumptions about me and I think you should scratch your chin to ask if you even KNOW who I am that you should be making said assumptions.

  8. The characterization of yourself as a “a liberal, intellectual, communist, media-elite, Jew-bastard,” while intending to be funny, is also an attempt to smear political opponents. The implication behind your decision to include the last term is that those with whom you disagree care about your religion, and target you because of your Jewishness (and therefore you courageously embrace your Jewishness.) The second term you use – intellectual – is also without factual foundation, when applied to the writer.

  9. “Why do you think you know me and what my “real” motivations were.
    OS: I did not call u a liar. It is the impression I got..MHO

    “I think you exhibit some of the black/white right/wrong mentality that I describe about Beck. ”
    OS:Isnt that also accusing me of being stupid?There is no
    black/white mentality.Not many people i know follow each other religiously with out question on ideology or on political
    level.Glenn Beck never demanded “followers”
    He sounded desperate to get information out there other outlets
    wouldn’t touch because of various reasons including corruption.
    When I started to pay attention to Beck, was when too many of
    his “crazy” reports were turning out to be accurate.
    Like Jones & Soros, Israel etc.I DID MY OWN HOME WORK>!

    “2. The Caliphate that Beck describes is not 100% correct. Very few matters of political concern are 100% correct and that is my point. Beck talks in absolutes with no shades of gray. I don’t think Beck is 100% wrong or 100% right.

    OS:The Caliphate was introduced as just a theory at first
    but eventually, as the right people started to come out in their own words and admit to it,Glenn also continued to build onit-HOW CAN YOU INSIST THAT GlennIS NOT 100% correct for pointing it out? There were plenty “shades of gray” b ecause Glenn myself included still don’t have the whole story & said so.

    Of course nothing Political is ever absolute.
    REPORTING on events and asking people to be aware
    or to take in consideration does not need to be 100%
    NOT REPORTING IT AT ALL<is absolutely criminal.IMHO

    The MSMedia is covering omitting protecting & coddling
    Left WIng Political people & events,putting America at risk,
    and In my opinion, corrupt on a scale like never before in History.
    So me of the legit questions Glenn brought forward that had me
    curiou s & alarmed were:
    Aren't you at all curious?

    The internet is all about "assumptions" It is what it is!

    "I got nothing against you. I don’t even know you."
    OS: Ditto

  10. @OhShush: Your first comment “I would have had more respect if u admitted the reason for research, rather than the whole shpeal on “personal journey”

    That is indeed calling me a liar. Saying that my intention to watch Beck was somehow politically motivated – but that I created a bold-faced lie in order to write about it. You can put the words MHO before or after – but you are still calling me a liar.

    I am not accusing you (or Beck) of being stupid. What I’m pointing out is that for some reason Beck and many others accuse people on the other side of the isle (liberals do this to convservatives and vice versa) of being dead wrong. While I often believe there are shades of gray. Some things conservatives believe are correct and some things liberals believe are correct. But Beck never paints a nuanced picture of the world. People are either 100% right or 100% wrong. Since you couldn’t read a post by me without trying to paint me as some ideologically driven liberal that wants to install a Caliphate in the middle east.

    Yes – Glenn Beck did ask questions about a Caliphate. But he says “It’s coming” with strong determination.

    I am not so certain.

    @Brian – next comment coming for you 😉

  11. @Brian

    You write: The characterization of yourself as a “a liberal, intellectual, communist, media-elite, Jew-bastard,” while intending to be funny, is also an attempt to smear political opponents. The implication behind your decision to include the last term is that those with whom you disagree care about your religion, and target you because of your Jewishness (and therefore you courageously embrace your Jewishness.)

    1. It is funny. In fact, it’s a Woody Allen joke.
    2. It is not an attempt to smear political opponents. I think it’s funny.
    3. Actually – I don’t embrace my Jewishness. It is a part of my family’s history – but not really something that defines me. There are lots of things that do define me – being Jewish is not a strong part of that. Sorry – but you are pegging me all wrong.
    4. Lots of people disagree with me on things – but I wouldn’t ever accuse people of being anti-semtici or thinking that it’s becasuse of my religion. For example – I think you disagree with me about aspects of Glenn Beck. That’s fine. But I wouldn’t now whine it’s because I’m Jewish. In fact, most Glenn Beck supporters are bigger fans of Israel than I am.
    5. You ended your comment with a cheap swipe at my intelligence and I’m not sure what motivated you to do that other than being mean. Can you explain why you’d go out of your way to try and hurt a random individual’s feelings – especially one you don’t know. That hardly seems like a constructive thing to do.

  12. Dave,

    I would say that I agree with all of your points except for #4. While that may be true for some people, I don’t think that Glenn Beck and his black and white world-view necessarily make sense solely because of Christianity. I do understand that you specifically used the word “fundamentalist” to qualify which kind of Christians, but for the sake of argument, I’m going to try and qualify it a bit deeper.

    One of the reasons this troubles me is because Beck is not even a Christian. Some might argue that Mormons are basically Christians, but I know better. Beck himself may argue that point, but I assume he simply tries to blur the line between the two. Perhaps by rarely approaching the subject of his Mormonism, or by arguing his political views using morality and God in the most unspecific possible way, or both — maybe you could answer that for me.

    What I do know from what I have seen and read of Beck is that he is highly motivated by fear. I really appreciated your point #5, because I think that is a very important distinction to make. But while he may not be the cause of panic and fear across America, I know for a fact that accentuates the fear that others have — perhaps to the point of bringing dormant fear out of people until it becomes their reason for action.

    This is where I see so much destruction in his message. As a Christian myself, I understand that we are to be motivated by faith as it is the opposite of fear. And perhaps these are the two things that Beck seems to blur the distinction between. Beck speaks in the rhetoric of faith and religion, but his words are motivated by his world-view, which is shaped by fear.

    Beck is fearful of a Caliphate rising up in the Middle East, and he is fearful of liberals in our own country setting the wheels in motion for it to happen. He is fearful of economic crisis to the point of famine and apocalyptic destruction. He is fearful of his God being wiped off the face of America until we are nothing but a mess of intellectual, tolerance-loving, homosexual liberty-crushers.

    Well, my God is stronger than that. And, BECAUSE of my faith (my religion, if you must call it that), I can’t accept many of the things that Beck espouses. It doesn’t all make sense to me.

    I think fear is exactly what is dividing this country apart, and Beck is giving fear a pulpit from which to spew its bile.

    Harsh words, maybe. But I just want to get the point across that Christianity should not be a platform for fear to take root. It should be uprooting it wherever it can be found.

  13. “Well, my God is stronger than that. And, BECAUSE of my faith (my religion, if you must call it that), I can’t accept many of the things that Beck espouses. It doesn’t all make sense to me.”

    Yeah, that’s what I heard people say when Noah told them a flood was coming.

    “My God’s stronger than that. BECAUSE of my faith, I simply can’t accept that God is disgusted with this world and will allow it to be cleansed.”

    Good luck with that logic. The Bible is filled with countless examples of God allowing tragedies to happen in order to punish the people for their sinfulness. Ever hear of the parable of the virgins and the lamps? It’s a little thing called preparation, check it out.

  14. @Rich

    Have you ever read the New Testament? It might shed a little light on why I choose not to fear because, you know, “It is finished.”

    Of course bad things are going to happen, and of course it is smart to be prepared. But not scared.

  15. After traveling the world and having lived a long time I have a much different view than the writer. With my reading and interaction with people of all walks of life the opinions that I have assembled fit more along with what the people that the author speaks not positively about. We all have choices. There is the statement that History repeats itself. For those that read history we see what has happened to the major civilizations of old and roughly how long they lasted before their failure. Those that read the Bible can see that in the Old Testament that there was a continuous cycle of progress and failure. We are living in a different time where we have the ability to communicate with each other one on one. Huge changes have be happening in our country and world civilizations. I follow both sides of the presentations and make my own mind up. The thing that I am finding is that statistically that the group that he is speaking negatively about is accurate at a vastly higher percentage that the other side. You chose what enviornment you want you life and those of your family to live in. Do you want what has happened in the previous civilizations or do you want to not repeat history. When I look at the accuracy of Beck and that group My choice is that side. As a comic stip of yesteryear”Pogo” said “We have met the enemy and it is us.” Were our Forefathers guided by a Higher Power or were they just lucky. Who do we listen to? YOU CHOOSE

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