Before I drop the link-bomb on you, my thoughts about Murdoch and paywalls/Bing. I’m cheering Murdoch on all the way. There has been too much…
Author: Digidave
I am an open book:
Interview with – The Sacramento Press
I’ve been running into the folks from the Sacramento Press more and more. Wanted to get their co-founder Geoff to talk a bit about what…
Link and Video RoundUp
Once again hat tip to (where I’m an advisor) for making this super easy for me. Straight Links Social Media Marketing 101 PBS Mediashift…
Don’t Save Journalism – Save Honest Communication
(Funny that my last post was on having bloggers block and tonight this is pouring out of me. I guess I needed to clear my…
Breaking the Bloggers Block
I’ve had bloggers block lately. I received several suggestions on how to break it. So here I am, trying to follow up on all of…