Back in the spring, I made an analogy about journalism being a game of chess. On the chess board of journalism, content is King (the…
Author: Digidave
I am an open book:
Video’s on Journalism: Thoughts on the future and ChiTownDaily News Closure
Digidave Does the News #1: Chi Town Daily News Closes Digidave’s first attempt at just talking about the news in front of a camerae instead…
Weekend Video Fun – Best YouTube Content on Journalism
Some funny, some educational, some serious and some historical (these are also a little funny). First: Just for Laughs Auto-Tune the News #7 Purely for…
We Aren’t Still Looking for a Silver Bullet, Are We?
An analogy I’ve been using lately. Journalists are awash at sea. Floating around us are various logs. We are reaching out to them in hopes…
Lessons in Crowdfunding
Written for Beth Kanter‘s blog. Almost ten months ago I launched Spot.Us via a Knight Foundation grant which is trying to pioneer “community funded reporting,”…