I make every effort to be as open and available as possible. Occasionally I receive questions about how to start a nonprofit, advice on content…
Author: Digidave
I am an open book: www.digidave.org
Spot.Us: Building a Plan to Release the Kraken!
Note: The most important link is this Google Form where we are asking YOU for feedback/goals/etc. As always to stay more current on Spot.Us development…
Citizen Journalism Networks Stepping Up Editorial Standards
A post I did for MediaShift’s IdeaLabl blog. I tend to avoid the “professional vs. amateur journalism” debate, saying “I have constructive criticisms for both…
On the term “citizen journalism” – from Professional Mind blower Henry Jenkins
Close followers may have picked up on the fact that I don’t like the term “citizen journalism.” Yesterday professional mind blower Henry Jenkins put it…
The Postal Theory of News
I bought stamps yesterday and as I left Safeway I had an epiphany which has long since passed. The following is an attempt to recapture…