I want to continue my posts of “journalism business ideas.” I still think the best idea I have (aside from Spot.Us) is a newsroom cafe.…
Author: Digidave
I am an open book: www.digidave.org
On Being Young and Using the Internet
You always want to keep an eye on young-guns growing up underneath you. I’ve already publicly said that the Co-Press kids scare the bejasus out…
From the Skoll World Forum – Keith Hammond Reports
The following is a guest post from Keith H. Hammonds who has been attending the Skoll World Forum this week: A gathering of “figures from…
Reports Back from the First Spot.Us Reporter
In my recent switch to WordPress (officially complete) I am late to write about my new-found friend Alexis Madrigal‘s post in the Nieman Reports Journal…
Updates on Spot.Us
There are more updates to spot.us than I can really fit into a MediaShift IdeaLab post. For the list-y version of recent milestones – scroll…