Use social networking tools not because they are cool - but because they might make your life easier. They let you live your life online.
Author: Digidave
I am an open book:
Collaboration is Queen
Some traditions of journalism should remain steadfast. SPJ’s ethics seem like good principles to hold onto. Some cultural traditions of journalism, however, should be questioned…
Testing RSS – Please Ignore
Digidave is moving from Typepad to wordpress. This is just to test the RSS. That’s right: Digidave is under construction – please wear a hard…
How to Build Your Own Community Funded Reporting Site
If you are an entrepreneur - I am handing this one to you on a silver plate.Just about every week I get an inquiry from
It is NOT personal branding – it’s Just living your life online.
I was on a panel this weekend at UC Berkeley's J-school. I am often the youngest person on panels and as such I feel compelled