A good piece of breaking fluff on Mother's Day. (Note: There is also a hidden/annoying advertisment in there for McAFree, but I'll let that slide
Category: Links and People
Subscribe to a T-Shirt
T-Post is a t-shirt company and you subscribe to their monthly editions. I'm sure that's something similar to the Macy's Catalog, or what-have-you. So what's
Beard Links
Don't ask me why I am following upcoming beard events in NYC. But since you are curious, I'll just tell you. Many moons ago me
When You Want to Write for Readers
Literature is the art of writing something that will be read twice; journalism what will be read once.Cyril Connolly, Enemies of Promise (1938 Sad, but
I need you to tell me this?
I read my fair share of press releases. The good ones catch your eye and show you the story underneath. The bad ones make you