Normally this blog is a celebration of things digital/internet/web 2.0 etc. I use it to document little tid-bits of happenings and burgeoning trends. So it
Category: Weblogs
Can Diggers Blog
An interesting question was raised by Deep Jive Interests. Normally I keep my digging and my blogging separate, but since he brought it up (and
Uncommon Uses: Podcast and Wikis
"Sometimes in the early adoption of new technologies they are pressed into service in similar ways to previous technologies, for instance when television first came
Via IFTF I came across an interesting blog called Bumble Bee. The catchphrase of the blog is Bioteaming. The idea is that organisms like bees
Harvest Moon
One of my first experiences in "journalism" was as an editor of 'Harvest Moon,' Berkeley's undergraduate philosophy journal. When I got involved (the second volume)