Old Stories New Authors

The New York Times finally caught on to the Graffiti Research Lab with a story in the Arts section. I went out with the Graffiti Research Lab a month or two ago and posted about it here. I also included a few photographs that were not published in the Wired News story that I did about it.

I was actually hoping to pitch the GRL as a magazine piece soon. I actually visited the GRL a week or two ago to see how they were progressing. But first I need to find the time.

The NYT piece is pretty good. It takes more of an Arts angle than a tech one, which is of course a result of who I was writing for, so it’s a good solid piece.

Wired News also had a story out today on Cats and Avian Flu. It reminded me a lot of a story I did for Seed a month or two ago on how pets can be an early warning system against an outbreak. So it’s the same story, different angle. The difference was that I found a chain of veterinarian hospitals that are trying to create a database of sick animals in real time to predict of there is an outbreak happening.

Lots of web surfing to do. Working on a story on Nootropics, the new hip drug for students, and getting ready to send some pitches out.

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