An Ethical Argument for Transparency – Part II

In a recent post on my website I examined an ethical argument for transparency. I will continue this internal dialogue with the caveat that I am not a journalism academic. I do not prescribe my beliefs to anyone but myself. This is a disgustingly theoretical post (I promise the next one will be practical up the wahzoo). I should also note the inspiration behind these two posts was a discussion at FOO Camp: Philosophy and Technology – Tim O’Reilly and Damon Horowitz.

The First Chapter

The first post on this topic hinged on the idea that transparency is necessary for public participation in journalism.
Picture 2



This Wikipedia quote puts it bluntly. The argument for transparency then isn’t ethical so much as practical. It’s a second order argument. The process of journalism must be transparent if we expect people to participate in a meaningful way. This assumes, however, that we want people to participate.

If we can reason that participation in journalism is ethical and transparency is necessary for participation to occur, it follows that there is an ethical argument for transparency.

Which means the next step is to examine the base of this syllogism: There is an ethical argument for participation in journalism.

The Goal of Journalism

What is the purpose or goal of journalism? In philosophy I might pose this as, what is journalism’s Telos — its purpose, aim, end and/or design.

The reason this question (and blog post) is important is that if you look at the current understanding of ethics in journalism you can see that it is more along the lines of a professional code than an ethical debate or analysis. Public accountability is mentioned in many of the existing code of ethics. As is the rightful dissemination of information to the public. But in almost all of these cannons of journalism the public is acted upon and is rarely an actor.

When I ask what is the goal of journalism I am not interested in the journalism industry or a journalism company. The goal for both of which would be the same for any industry (protecting itself as an economic good) or company (increasing revenue).

The tagline for my blog is “journalism is a process, not a product,” and that continues to be my rallying cry. Too often our ethics, ideas of success and end goals are determined by journalism as a product, industry or company. I am more interested in the process of journalism. What is the end goal for an act of journalism?

Now here I have to posit a question: If an act of journalism is committed but never published, is it an act of journalism?

Many people don’t know this, but I used to be a musician. I’ve actually recorded at least two albums. But I never promoted my work. So if a work of art is not shared, is it art? What is the distinction between art and hobby? Related: If an act of reporting occurs but is not shared, is it journalism? What is the distinction between journalism and journaling?

I ask this question because it gives me the platform to pose a possible end goal of journalism — to inform. Journalism, which is a tricky thing to define, is the process of collecting, filtering and distributing information that has meaning. One caveat of course is that the information is non-fiction (true and accurate).

If we take away the “distributing” of information we no longer have the process of journalism. It is the final step in the process because it is the final Telos of journalism — to inform our fellow human beings. Size of the audience aside, journalism is fundamentally a process of education. But when we look at the conversation about journalism, those two words are most often coupled around journalism education (journalism schools) and rarely about how the two endeavors are intimately tied.

Informing is Participatory

So the goal of journalism is to inform people about events in the world. This is fundamentally a social act and would remain the goal of journalism if we lived in a democracy, republic or any other kind of society.

Historically speaking, the “participation” of journalism consumers was to consume. That is a form of participation, but not necessarily the kind that I wan to justify. If it were, this blog post could have been much shorter: “We can justify transparency in journalism because people need to be able to read it!”

The kind of participation that I want to argue for is more engaging. Members of the public are not participating by the sheer act of be informed, but they are self-informing. It’s the difference between roads that make public transportation possible and roads that make all forms of transportation possible.

Why Individual Participation is Ethical

And herein lies the base of this whole thought process. It comes down to the individual. It is the individual, as part of a collective, that journalism seeks to inform. The individual should be actively participating in the dissemination of information for several reasons:

1. On a utilitarian level, they will become more informed and help inform more people. If the good of journalism is to inform, then letting more people participate will inform more people. Similarly, the mission of roads is to enable travel/transportation, not to safeguard public transportation. (There could be unintended consequences, of source, such as pollution.) The mission of journalism is to inform, not to safeguard journalism companies. A network has infinity more connections and that requires active participation and self-informed informants.

2. They have a moral right as an individual to participate to the extent that they do not hinder others from participating. (See individualism).


So, to review:

  • Transparency is required for well-informed participation to happen.
  • Participation is needed because….
  • Journalism’s end goal is to inform other people.
  • More people participating in the process of journalism means more people being informed.
  • Combine this with individual rights and …

The journalism industry has a moral obligation to make the practices and processes of journalism more transparent so that the larger citizenry can participate.

Behind the lack of climax

Perhaps I could have shortened this blog post. I made every attempt to go step-by-step and lay out my line or reasoning.


Too often our discussion of participatory journalism, citizen journalism, etc takes an industry or company view. Either citizen journalism is good or bad because of its relationship to a bottom line.

Slighter better arguments are that participatory journalism is good/bad because of its quality (or lack of).

What I’m suggesting is that participation in the media is a net positive because of its intrinsic value.

6 thoughts on “An Ethical Argument for Transparency – Part II”

  1. Thanks for this. Could be helped in the wrap-up by examples of what participation exactly is (maybe steal GAToomey’s examples from comments to Part I), and how transparency interacts with that. Especially fact-checking. I’d say there are ethical arguments for transparency apart from participation. And at least one other good, though narrower, argument for both combined.

    The ethics of journalism, by any standard, require factual information. This requires full transparency in order to allow participation by, at minimum, inspection of both the process and the product. Participation and transparency are necessary because no other audit than one that anyone can do, see, and try to reproduce can have sufficient legitimacy.

    Also, though late, happy birthday!

  2. Thanks Ben

    And I TOTALLY agree. I think this is just one argument for transparency. As noted in part I – it is because I see a connection between transparency and participation.

    But certainly transparency has its own justification outside of its relation to participation – mere accountability.

    Also: I miss Ben!!!

  3. This is an interesting argument. I’d like to look at one piece of it:

    “More people participating in the process of journalism means more people being informed.”

    Is this true? I don’t know. You have defined journalism in terms of its end, so let’s keep that definition: the end is informing. But can we assume that everyone who attempts an act of journalism actually succeeds? If everyone who participates succeeds in informing, then the above claim is true. But I think that some will participate without informing. I may pass on a rumor without checking it out. I am participating, am I not? But I am not informing, I am confusing.

    Perhaps it’s just a matter of definition. You may want to define participation as informing. But I want to define participation as trying to inform.

  4. @Lyn

    This is a good question. There are a few potential answers. Again – I don’t claim to know which one is right, just pointing out possibilities.

    1. The straw man: You allude to this re: it’s a matter of definition. I could simply say “oh no, those people aren’t doing journalism – they aren’t participating” journalism IS distributing information that is true.

    And in some respects – that is how I define journalism.

    But I think that’s a weak argument. It works only for people that are consciously lying. There is a good chance that many people will be participating – have every intention and earnest belief that they are informing – but it could turn out later that they are wrong.

    In some respects I use a Shirky argument here: With the good comes the bad.

    With cars comes pollution.

    With loads more solid information comes disinformation.

    But it is open for debate and further inquiry.

  5. Great tech blog list you posted recently, Dave!! Thanks for that.

    Wondering if you’d noticed that Steffen Konrath is inviting discussion on Twitter about a ‘Liquid News’ concept (#liquidnews). Considering the numbers of followers he has, I’m surprised more people aren’t participating. Themes he’s sounding in his proposal sound familiar – they remind me of the tagline on this blog: “Journalism is a process, not a product.” I am interested because he’s trying to address the end-game of the process:

    “A liquid newsroom would challenge the constant of space (the site) and organizational form (the editors involved, the publication etc.). Instead of a given organisational type (a publication, newspaper, blog, etc.) the news site (not page!) will come into existence the time someone decides to open a topic. “Liquid” like liquid design means that the topic will determine place, team and time and not vice versa.” [sorry ’bout the bad formatting on the quote]

    While such an idea may be a little ‘pie-in-the-sky,’ it’s still intriguing. Online news to me gets hung up on issues of editing / quality control in the writing itself (and issues of how to verify the testimony and assertions of the writer) — and also in how to get the good stuff where it needs to go. The Huffington post for example seems driven by the strong personality of its creator and the quality of the site’s curation. How can other markets identify their ideal ‘curators’ for news? How can those curators be compensated?

    Would you or any of your readers be able to point me to relevant discussions or recommend any reading for me on these issues?

    Thanks as always for your tolerance of my lengthy posts (not always OT) on your fine blog!

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